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Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Broad Marketing Functions

1)      DISCOVERING AND DIAGNOSING : Collecting the situational data through market sensing, discovering what it means, bringing this "voice of the customer" to the decision makers' table. The key metric is how useful the data becomes in anticipating and becoming proactive for the people who take marketing strategy decisions. Discovery and diagnosis is a specialized / investigative / research work and needs a different mindset. Normally analytical and creative people are assigned to such jobs.
2)      DESIGNING THE STRATEGY : because the company relies on the marketing strategy to take long term decisions like what manufacturing, servicing, people, structure, competencies and focus will needed. This job requires people who are senior enough to understand what the data from the previous stage means and to formulate a cross-functional strategy that can travel successfully to the next stage of implementation. Deciding long term marketing strategy has 4 (MCVC) interdependent elements
a)      Market : which customers and needs to target 
b)      Competitors : which competitors' customers to target
c)      Value Proposition : how to position and hence what marketing mix
d)     Connect with Market : Routes to access / engage / promote / sell / service TA
a)      Establish / Justify the company's best competitive position within a market
b)      Locate and profile potential markets and key DMU participants within
c)      Generates quality sales leads
d)     Develop effective selling tools
e)      Formally analyze and track competitor's business strategies and tactics
f)       Define, prioritize and justify product / service - improvements and developments
g)      Promote an explicit company product or service image
h)      Facilitate  information transfer from customers to the rest of the company
i)        Simplify the customer's travel on his buying journey 


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